EHS Community Webinar Recordings

Coronavirus Disinfection Technologies & Tactics

Written by Matt Segal | Aug 6, 2020 7:00:00 PM


The need for both routine and deep disinfection grows as repopulations continue. Our panelists will discuss the technologies they're eyeing and the policies they're employing to keep the spread of coronavirus under control. [this webinar aired on August 6, 2020]

Meet the Panelists:


Aristea Lubar

Associate Biosafety Officer
University of California, San Diego

Aristea Lubar is an Associate Biosafety Officer for the University of California, San Diego. Her background is in vector biology and infectious disease. She spent four years in research, during which she liaised with multiple global institutions before transitioning into biosafety. She obtained a B.S. in Zoology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.


Megan Shoff

Biological Safety Officer
University of North Texas

I am a microbiologist, who for the past two years, have been the biological safety officer at UNT.  I came to UNT from  the CDC Division of Select Agents and Toxins where I was an inspector/microbiologist.  Prior to working at the CDC, I was a professor and prior to that was a researcher at the FDA in the Infection Control Laboratory, where we specialized in disinfection and sterilization.


Joan Wickersheim

Associate Director Research, Campus, and Environmental Safety
The University of Texas at Dallas
UT Dallas Safety

Joan Wickersheim is currently serving the community at UT Dallas. She is a proud alumnus of Colorado State University, and has passionately pursued her career as an Industrial Hygienist over the course of three decades. While walking in her safety shoes, Joan has provided services from the perspective of OSHA compliance officer, consultant, and local government risk administrator. Her quest is to boldly empower safety champions at all levels.


Matt Segal

Matt found his way to SciShield after working at Boston Children's Hospital performing translational rare blood disease research. As the safety guy in his lab, he saw firsthand how challenging it was to manage safety in a laboratory environment and wanted to find a way to help. He now spends his time hosting webinars, arguing with his 3D printer, and cooking food in plastic bags at low temperatures.