As a Certified Loss Control recognized by leading insurance carriers nationwide, SciShield will protect your people and assets by:
SciShield mitigates risk and protects revenue. Our system automates safety processes, simplifies regulatory reporting, and uses hazard-based profiles to shine the light on key areas of risk that are hard to see.
The SciShield platform reduces dependence on fragmented systems and cumbersome manual methods, greatly improving the efficiency and accuracy of scientists, safety teams, and complex reports.
Our system is utilized by leading life sciences organizations, U.S. government facilities, and over 100 academic institutions, including 37 R1 institutions (and counting) to manage risk and safety compliance.
At a high level, a loss control is a risk management solution designed to reduce the frequency and severity of an event that causes a loss.
In the context of the Research Enterprise, loss control measures focus on mitigating large sources of facility and laboratory risk, to the lasting benefit of both the organization and its insurer.
Use Case: Reducing Risk for Laboratories, Research Programs, and Life Sciences
Learn about the SciShield platform and discover how SciShield manages an audit of hazardous Peroxide Forming chemicals in a specific use case.
eBook: Providing Unique Support to Loss Control Strategies
See how the SciShield enterprise laboratory safety and compliance software provides loss control strategies for higher education and research programs.
Police are investigating the cause of a "significant" fire that destroyed a new multi million-pound chemistry building at the University of Nottingham. Around 60 firefighters were on scene at the height of the blaze, after being called to the campus shortly after 8.30pm on Friday night. Read More.
“[T]he overall underlying cause,” the UCCLS report’s recommendations section states, “was failure to recognize and control the hazards of an explosive gas mixture. … The safety program at UH was not designed to assist researchers in identifying hazards, making risk assessments, and controlling laboratory hazards.” Read More.
Top-tier law firms hired to defend Harran and the University of California against felony charges in the death of Sheharbano “Sheri” Sangji charged more than 7,700 billable hours and nearly $4.5 million in fees ... In late 2011, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office charged Harran with three felony counts of willfully violating state occupational health and safety standards. Read More.
The fire itself was confined to a small section of BMS, just a handful of rooms on the second, third and fourth floors – but it was the thousands of gallons of water used to extinguish the outbreak whose effects mean St Andrews has lost one of its most significant research buildings for a period of up to a year, perhaps considerably longer. Read More.
The SciShield platform provides a stable foundation on which your institution can grow. This platform approach reduces dependence on piecemeal systems and cumbersome manual methods, greatly improving efficiency and reducing risk.
Our modular solutions manage reporting and inventory across a wide spectrum of laboratory hazardous including chemicals, biologicals and radioisotopes. Loss controls such as safety training or equipment management can all be easily tracked in the SciShield system.
Offer a comprehensive health and safety training program with user-specific assignments, automated requirements, and reminders.
Assign, conduct, and review inspections and self-inspections based on hazard and risk criteria, which drives real-time data-analysis dashboards.
Manage chemical inventory with a robust chemical database, and generate complex regulatory reports with ease.
Track and manage your institution's research equipment and assets, including users, locations, certifications, and more.
Search and view a comprehensive library of over 1 million unique SDSs.
Streamline the biosafety registration process, from project and materials submission to committee review, for all parties involved.
Streamline the process of requesting waste pickup, from the lab to health and safety, while retaining lab-specific data.
Manage a complete radioisotope use program, from broad scope license limits to authorized user registrations and cradle-to-grave reporting.
Identify, review, and track users who are potentially exposed to animal allergens, and survey for their exposure levels and potential health impacts.
Confidently manage laboratory and shop safety training for your undergraduate student population and prepare them for careers in research.
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